Estate planning isn’t just about passing on money when you die – it’s also about enjoying life now and ensuring you have enough to live on. This is why it’s so important to start planning early. We can show you how much money you will need, help you to pass on assets in the most effective way, and work with you to reduce or manage an Inheritance Tax bill.

There are many ways to give away money. They range from one-off cash gifts to gifting a regular income, and setting up trusts for long-term giving or where future control may be important. We can talk you through the options and help you to find the most appropriate choice.
The residence nil rate band is an additional allowance for passing on the family home. While the allowance gives couples the opportunity to pass on up to £1 million tax-free, it has also attracted criticism for a number of complex rules and conditions – including a reduced allowance for bigger estates. We can show you if your estate qualifies for the residence nil rate band, and may be able to recommend changes if it does not.

One of our estate planners will be in touch at a convenient time, either over the phone or at your home, workplace or at our office.
You will be able to ask any questions you have and find out more about estate and inheritance planning.
Your consultation will be at our cost and there is no obligation to work with us afterwards.

Pensions can play a big role when it comes to estate planning, as they aren’t included when your Inheritance Tax bill is calculated. If you can afford to leave your pension untouched while using other assets to fund your retirement, you could pass your pension on tax-free while gradually reducing the size of your taxable estate.
Trusts are a powerful tool with many different uses when it comes to estate planning. Many people choose to make gifts in trust so that the money can only be accessed at a certain time or for a particular reason or person.
Life insurance can be set up in a trust, so that the money can be accessed immediately to pay any Inheritance Tax bill